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The Death Trilogy (Book 2): The Death: Eradicate Page 10

  She knew exactly who they were referring to.

  “I’ll let you finish,” the man said.

  “What’s your name?” Lori asked.

  “My God given name is Daniel, but everyone calls me Brick.”

  “Thank you for everything, Brick,” Lori said.

  “You’re welcome,” he replied and left.

  While Brick and Lori chatted, Tiffany had left and returned with a stack of clothes. “Here, these are your size, but more importantly they’re clean. I’ll wash these for you, okay?”

  “Um, sure, thank you.”

  Tiffany exchanged the clothes and left.

  Lori tossed the spoon on the tray and pushed it aside. Her appetite had vanished the second she heard Brick mention a trial. There was no debate that the thief was Travis. Knowing he was alive was good, but how could she save him from what was no doubt going to be a conviction.

  The drive from Brick’s house to the town center gave Lori a perspective of the town that neither she nor Travis was aware existed. The pillars of local power were centered in the old Pine Bluffs city office building, and in order to access it you had to pass through another checkpoint. However, this other checkpoint was positioned just in front of a large twenty-foot-high gate. She hadn’t seen anything like it before.

  “Is the entire downtown walled in?” Lori asked Brick.

  “Not all of it, just eight square blocks.”

  “Totally walled in?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  As they drove through, she stared in amazement at the wall and gate that had been constructed.

  “It was quite easy to build; most of it incorporates existing buildings. All we had to do was build walls on the streets in between them and secure the building accesses.”

  “Very impressive, it’s like a fort, then.”

  “Yeah, you could call it that.”

  “Why do you live on the outside?”

  “A few of us do. Most live inside the walls now, but I found it impossible to leave the old place. Too many memories for me and Tiff.”

  Lori had not met a Mrs. Brick, so she assumed she must have died from the Death. She turned and watched as the massive wooden and steel-framed gate was wheeled back in place and secured. An old truck was connected to the gate on the inside so when they opened or closed, all they needed to do was drive the truck forward or backwards. As an architect, she marveled at the ingenuity of the townspeople. Along the exterior rooftops she saw armed men patrolling and sandbagged positions for the men to take cover if attacked.

  “Um, Brick, how many people are left in town here?”

  “Oh, about five hundred.”

  Inside the walls, the town lost its abandoned feel and took on something more idyllic. People were walking on the sidewalks, chatting and laughing. Children were running and playing in a large playground. Opposite them a massive garden was thriving on two old vacant lots.

  “You guys have done all this?” she said, marveling at what she saw.

  “Didn’t happen right away. We had trouble at the beginning like many did. The magistrate took control after the mayor and sheriff died. He was the one who pulled us together. We have him to thank for all of this,” Brick said, a sense of pride in his tone.

  They made a left turn, and a half block away she saw wooden gallows erected in front of the old Pine Bluffs city office building. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw them. This was evidence that the justice they served went as far as killing the convicted.

  “Who’s that for?” Lori asked, pointing at the large wooden structure.

  “Those souls who get convicted and sentenced to death. They find their last moments standing up there.”

  “How often does that happen?” Lori asked.

  Brick didn’t answer; he pulled the car into the rear parking lot and parked it. “We’re here.”

  She waited, hoping he’d say something, but he just didn’t. He got out of the car and walked around to her side. He opened her door and held out his hand.

  This was a clue to her that he was done chatting.

  He walked her inside the building. The contrast she saw from her care at Brick’s house to the heavily manned and armed group at the town headquarters was drastic. Inside, the halls of the office building bustled with activity; people came and went, all with purpose. The few that took notice of her gave her stares that extended past the normal glance. She imagined the gossip of a new person in town ran through town as quickly as the virus had spread.

  Brick instructed her to sit in a lobby while he informed the magistrate that she was there.

  She was still unsure of the story she’d give. Back and forth she went from telling the truth to telling a bold-faced lie in an attempt to save her from whatever judgment Travis would receive.

  Wringing her hands, she wished Travis was there to tell her exactly what to do. She wanted to do the right thing, but what was that? She had a life inside her that needed to be considered, and owning up that she was a party to the theft of a car could lead to something horrific. Clasping her hands, she began to pray for an answer.

  Down the hall she heard the front doors burst open.

  She couldn’t see who was coming, but the murmuring and chatter indicated it was someone important. Like the sound of a dozen hooves on pavement, the group got closer. She thought this must be the magistrate with his entourage, but it wasn’t. When the group reached her, she saw Travis handcuffed and encircled by four other men, all heavily armed.

  Travis saw her and slightly shook his head. He stared at her hard and kept shaking his head.

  She wanted to run to him, but she froze. The gesture he kept making with his head was a signal. He was speaking to her, but what was he saying.

  As quickly as he had appeared, he was gone, taken to a back room.

  All she could think was he wanted her not to stand and acknowledge him. All he did was stare intently and shake his head. That was it, she thought, he wanted her to remain silent.

  Brick came back and said, “The magistrate can see you now.”

  Lori was staring at Brick but not moving. She was terrified of what was about to happen.

  “Lori, you okay?”

  “Ah, yes, I’m fine, sorry. Sometimes I zone out,” she quickly said and stood.

  “This way,” Brick said as he escorted her down the hall and into a large office.

  She walked in and stopped just a few feet inside. In front of her was a large mahogany desk with a massive window behind it. Two fabric chairs sat just in front.

  A man stood and said, “Lori, hello, please come in. I promise we don’t bite here. Take a seat.”

  She hesitated.

  Brick nudged her and said, “Go ahead, Lori. The magistrate is a good man. He just wants to meet you. He has a few questions, is all.”

  Lori walked the few remaining feet and sat down in one of the cushioned seats.

  The magistrate waited till she sat before he took his seat.

  With a broad smile he said, “Lori, very nice to meet you.”

  “Hi,” she replied.

  “Brick tells me he found you at his workshop just outside town,” the magistrate asked.

  “Yes,” she answered.

  The magistrate was a young man, much younger than Lori had guessed he’d be. If she were to guess, she’d say he was in his mid-thirties. He looked as if he was average height, with a lean build. His light brown hair was cut and styled very conservatively much like others she’d seen so far.

  “So how did you come to be there?”

  Lori thought of giving a short or terse answer, but it made sense to give him greater detail. “My car ran out of fuel. I saw the signs for your town, but who trusts towns these days? Needing fuel but wanting to stay away from people, I went looking in places I thought were vacant.”

  The magistrate leaned in and asked, “So you saw our sentries but chose to avoid them on purpose?”

  “Of course.”

  The question irritated Lori, so she answered it honestly, “Is that a serious question? You’re asking as if you’ve never been on the road before. Have you been out there trying to survive?”

  He cocked his head and answered, “I’ve seen my share.”

  “Have you? To ask that question makes me wonder.”

  Brick stepped forward and placed his hand on her shoulder and said, “Miss Lori?”

  “I’m fine, Brick,” she said.

  The magistrate sat back in his chair and rocked for a second. A grin appeared on his face as he looked at Lori. “Do you have anything at all to do with the man we caught trying to steal a truck last night?”

  This was the question Lori was waiting for. Everything boiled down to how she answered. Once again Lori was faced with making a decision that would be transformative in her life. Her heart was racing, and she knew without any doubt how she responded meant everything. Reflecting back to Travis and how he responded to seeing her, she knew how she needed to respond. “Mr. Magistrate, I don’t know what you’re referring to.”

  “I’m referring to a young man who came into town last night. He attempted to steal a truck but was stopped. So you’re telling me you know nothing of this incident?”


  He looked at her closely, examining her composure to filter out anything that would give him the truth.

  “Mr. Magistrate, I realize the timing is strange but not unexpected. My car ran out of gas; I came looking for more fuel and food.”

  He kept looking at her, then looked at Brick. “What do you think?”

  “She seems honest to me, sir,” Brick answered.

  “I have nothing to hold you, and your trespass against Brick here, well, let’s say he’s not seeking justice for that. So without charges, I need to let you go.”

  The magistrate’s response to her gave her hope for Travis. She had thought the worst would happen, but her fears were dashed. Maybe the magistrate would be lenient on him as well, she prayed.

  “Was this a trial?”

  “Yes and no. You were already cleared by Brick, but I needed to meet you to confirm it. I needed to make sure your incursion into our town didn’t mean to fundamentally harm us or our people. You see, we do understand how the world works today. We know people naturally will come looking for food, fuel, medicine or whatever, like you. We offer those things to travelers like yourself; all you need to do is ask. We have created a place for anyone to find the thing that will enable them to survive. You see, we changed our name to Hope because we give that. The only thing is that you need to ask for it, not take it.”

  She thought his response seemed reasonable. This new world was harsh, and if he meant what he said, then his town truly provided hope and a sanctuary from the realities out there.

  “Why didn’t you go to the FEMA camps?” she asked, the question coming from her spontaneously.

  He recoiled from her question.

  “We are a self-sufficient people. We don’t need the government to protect us,” he responded.

  “No need for supplies?”


  “Good, you can’t trust them.”

  He smiled and asked, “Why don’t you trust them?”

  She wanted to tell him everything she knew, but now was not the time. While the magistrate seemed legit, she wasn’t prepared to put all of her trust in one person just yet.

  He was intrigued by her comment, so he pressed, “Why would you say that?”

  “I’ve been to those camps.”

  “Have you?”


  “And now you’re on your own?”

  “Yes, on my own,” she quickly blurted out. She had now created her story and had to stick to it. Showing any sign of hesitation could give her away.

  “What happened? Why did you leave?”

  “I’d rather not discuss it. It’s very personal.”

  “I’d appreciate it if you did.”

  Lori didn’t like his last comment but understood where it was coming from.

  The magistrate didn’t flinch; he sat waiting for her to respond.

  “Since you must know, my family was separated from me and I was raped.”

  Not showing a glimmer of emotion, the magistrate said, “I’m sorry to hear that. I can see why you wouldn’t want to stay.”

  “I’m glad you approve,” Lori said sarcastically.

  “Please don’t misinterpret my line of questioning. We have fought and worked hard to have all of this. We are generous, but please don’t mistake what kindness and mercy we show as weakness. I can assure you that would be a mistake.”

  “So I’m free to go?”

  “Anytime you choose. If you want fuel and food, we can provide some to get you going, or you are more than welcome to stay.”


  “Yes, we understand that in order for our town to continue to flourish, we must grow. We need more people.”

  “Let me think about that. Is it fine if I stay in town while I make my decision?”

  “Of course. Brick, do you want to be responsible?”

  “I will house her, Magistrate.”

  “Great!” the magistrate said, standing and putting his hand out.

  Lori stood, took his hand and shook. “Thank you. Oh, two other things.”

  “Sure, what is it?”

  “What’s your name?”

  “Magistrate, call me Magistrate.”

  “Oh, okay,” Lori blurted out. She found it odd he didn’t use a real name. She turned to leave when he stopped her.

  “Lori, you had a second question for me?”

  “Yes, thanks, I’m so absentminded these days. I wanted to get my weapons back.”

  Still standing, he put his hands on his hips and answered, “We’ll be holding on to those for the time being.”

  “I thought I was free to go. I’m not being convicted of anything. I think that grants me the right to get my possessions back.”

  “Lori, you’re thinking of the ways or laws from the past. Hope doesn’t work like that. You’re welcome here, you can roam around freely, but until we get to know you without any doubts, we’ll be keeping your weapons.”

  “So you don’t trust me?”

  “We trust, but we also verify. I’m sure you can understand. We have a lot to protect here.”

  Not liking the idea that she wouldn’t be getting her weapons, she stormed out of the magistrate’s office with Brick following right behind.

  “Lori,” Brick called out, walking a few feet behind her.

  She stopped and waited for him, then replied, “Is he always so smug?”

  “He’s a good man. He’s doing what’s best for us.”

  “If I’m not guilty of anything, I want my weapons,” Lori charged.

  “Not my call, but I agree with the magistrate. If you want your weapons back today, we can provide them for you at the far checkpoints on your way out of town.”

  “Such bull.”

  “I can assure you, you’re safe here. There’s no need for your weapons.”

  Lori thought about what he said. It wasn’t that she wanted them strictly to protect herself from them. It was more for being able to use them if she could get Travis freed.

  Some commotion broke out down the hall.

  Brick and Lori turned to see people pouring out of the holding room where she’d last seen Travis go.

  Several people pushed past them, heading towards the activity. Lori stopped one of them and asked, “What’s going on?”

  “Public trial starts in five minutes,” the woman said excitedly.

  Lori knew what that meant. She looked at Brick and said, “I want to stay for that.”

  He looked at his watch and asked, “Aren’t you hungry? C’mon, let’s go home and get some lunch.”

  Lori wasn’t paying any attention to him. She was focused on the ever-growing crowd down the hall.

  Brick began to walk towards the exit aw
ay from the crowd. He didn’t have the time nor desire to stick around for the mayhem that encircled a trial.

  Lori knew what it was and had to see. She darted away from Brick and down the hall into the mass of people.

  She then caught sight of Travis, his tall build towering above the others. They were escorting him outside the front doors. Taking her place in the crowd, she slowly shuffled out the front. There she was amazed by the crowd that had gathered. She couldn’t believe the size and the setup that had all come together in the hour she’d been inside.

  To the right of the gallows sat a long table with several chairs. Just in front of that was a single chair. Lori imagined that was Travis’s chair. What frightened Lori most of all was that his trial was being conducted next to the ominous-looking gallows. She thought this could only portend his death.

  Travis was escorted to the single chair and instructed to stand.

  The loud crowd suddenly became silent.

  Lori craned her head and saw the magistrate exit the front, flanked by Franklin and Carolyn. They approached the long table and stood at their chairs, the magistrate taking the center.

  The magistrate raised his arms in the air and said, “Let us all bow our heads and pray that God will give us and this man the justice that is deserved.” A short pause followed, then he said, “Amen.”

  Travis was pushed into his chair.

  The magistrate and Franklin sat. Carolyn remained standing.

  She called out, “This man before you is accused of attempted theft. Last night Janine McDonough caught him attempting to hot-wire and steal her truck right from her driveway.”

  Lori shook her head. None of this might have happened had he just listened to her and not tried to steal a vehicle from someone’s house.

  “Janine McDonough, please step forward and tell us your account,” Carolyn instructed, then took her seat.

  Janine stepped from the crowd and walked to a spot in between Travis and the table. She looked at Travis, but this time the look of anger was gone. A feeling of sympathy came over her as she saw this man sit and await his conviction.

  “Janine, please go ahead,” Carolyn pressed after watching her stand and look at Travis for what seemed like minutes.

  Standing tall, thrusting her shoulders back and clearing her throat, she began, “I heard some noise outside. I stepped out to investigate, and that’s when I heard the noise again. It was clear to me that someone was in my truck. I had a gun, my shotgun, and slowly approached. I was scared and didn’t know how many people might be out there or who it was. All I knew is I didn’t want Carl’s truck taken. He loved that truck, and I still needed it. So putting aside my fear, I approached the truck. The door was open, and I saw someone inside.”