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The Defiant: An Unbeaten Path Page 15

  The plan to get Bryn was fairly cut and dry. After subduing the three guards out front, the group would split into three.

  Sophie, with the help of Luke and using a car he had acquired from his father’s house, would set a large fire at a supply warehouse in the southeast part of town. This would pull many of the town’s resources to deal with that.

  Colin and Nicholas would take the guards’ truck and head directly to the hospital to get Bryn.

  Becky, Abigail, Frank, Marjorie, Katherine and Evelyn would take the Suburban, minus the trailer, and head out of town, following a route given by Luke. This route would take them overland until they were well past any checkpoints. They’d then get onto the highway and begin their trek north. Their goal was to stop at the first exit in Montana and wait for the rest to arrive.

  After Bryn was rescued, they were to meet up with Luke and Sophie so they could help him load a truck he had stashed near Chad’s old gravel pit.

  Nicholas had all the lights turned off hours before, and the group sat in the dark, talking. This was done so the guards would believe they were asleep. Their cue to move would be when the lights of Luke’s car pulled up outside.

  “I’m nervous,” Becky said, holding Nicholas’ hand.

  He leaned and whispered, “I am too, but I know we’ll be all right. When you get in the Suburban go, don’t look back, just drive until you get to Montana. We won’t be far behind.”

  “I know, I just wish there was a way to solve this without all of this,” she said.

  “Me too, but we have even more reason to do this after what Luke said.”

  “I don’t trust him.”

  “Me either.”

  “Then what are we doing?”

  “We’re doing the same plan as before, we just have keys and hopefully a route that is good. Otherwise, we’re doing almost exactly what I had worked out with Colin; it just doesn’t require storming the hospital.”

  “I’m just worried; I can’t lose you.”

  Nicholas gave her a kiss and said, “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  Headlights streamed into the house and danced along the wall.

  “That must be Luke. Game time, people, let’s move,” Nicholas ordered.

  Everyone rose and headed out the back of the house. Colin, Sophie and Nicholas went right and the others left, as the Suburban was parked along that side.

  Nicholas could hear Luke chatting with the guards; then three distinct flashes and heavy thuds came from the truck.

  Colin was watching and asked, “Did he just shoot those guys?”

  Nicholas already had his pistol drawn but was hoping he didn’t have to use it. With Luke taking the initiative, the cat was out of the bag. They’d have to go through each step killing now, especially if the word got out before they could leave.

  Colin, Sophie and Nicholas raced over to the truck.

  Luke saw them and said, “Hurry up.”

  Nicholas walked up and said, “Turn your lights out.”

  “Let’s go, guys,” Luke stressed.

  “You killed them.”

  “So what?”

  “I thought—”

  “You thought wrong, pops. These guys weren’t so nice, believe me.”


  “Mr. McNeil, just because these guys were lily white and had conservative haircuts with the part to the side doesn’t mean they were the good guys.”

  “You have a suppressor?” Nicholas asked.

  “Yes, I do,” Luke answered proudly.

  While Nicholas was talking to Luke, Colin pulled the bodies out of the truck and dragged them around the rear of the house.

  Sophie jumped in the car with Luke, and he said, “You ready to burn some shit down?”

  “What’s gotten into this guy?” Sophie asked Nicholas.

  “I’ll see you west of the hospital in thirty minutes,” Nicholas said.

  Luke acknowledged and sped off.

  The rumble of the Suburban’s engine caught Nicholas’ attention.

  Colin finished with the bodies and said, “All done.”

  Nicholas was fully committed now. After Luke killed those men, he was committed to not getting caught. This had to go down smoothly or it would end up being a gun battle, one he didn’t want to have.

  The drive to the hospital took less than five minutes. Colin parked exactly where Luke had suggested. Now they waited for the signal, an old hand-crank siren, which would sound when the fire was spotted.

  “That kid had a silencer?” Colin asked.

  “Yeah, I wish I had one.”

  “Me too.”

  Like an old mechanical cat screeching, the siren sounded.

  Nicholas could see the orange glow southeast of them and hoped it worked to draw many people away from them.

  An explosion suddenly shook the ground and let out a massive boom.

  “What the hell was that?” Nicholas asked.

  “That kid either had something else up his sleeve, or that wasn’t intentional.”

  The siren continued to blare.

  Nicholas and Colin ducked as several truck headlights crossed over them. People were moving, and it all seemed like they were heading in the direction they wanted.

  “It looks like it’s working,” Nicholas said.

  “I’m ready when you are,” Colin replied.

  “Once more into the breach, my old friend,” Nicholas said and both men fist-bumped.

  They jumped out of the truck and sprinted to the rear door.

  While Colin provided cover, Nicholas used the key Luke described. It passed the first test when it fit, and passed the second when he heard the tumbler disengage. Nicholas pushed down on the stainless steel handle and the door clicked and opened.

  “We’re in,” Nicholas said. He raised his rifle and tactically entered the building.

  A small lantern placed next to an empty chair illuminated the hallway in a yellowish glow.

  Colin followed, his back to Nicholas until they reached Bryn’s hospital room.

  “Going inside,” Nicholas said.

  Colin pivoted around so he could see both directions.

  Nicholas opened the door and the light from the hall chased away the darkness. There strapped to the bed was Bryn. She looked banged up and bruised but was most certainly alive.

  “What the fuck do you want?” she asked, thinking it was a guard.

  “It’s Nicholas. Time to get you out of here.”

  “It’s about fucking time,” she joked.

  Nicholas slung his rifle and pulled out a knife and cut her restraints.

  Bryn sat up slowly and swung her legs off the bed.

  “You all right?” he asked.

  She put her feet on the floor and stood, but she lost her balance. “Whoa.”

  “You’re not all right. Don’t worry, I got ya,” Nicholas said and put her arm around his neck and his around her.

  “Sorry, I’m a bit dizzy.”

  “No worries, you’ll be safe soon,” Nicholas said as her weight put stress on his side. The pain medicine he’d been taking was working, but the physical stress of what he was doing tonight would not help him heal. He quickly walked her to the door when several loud cracks echoed in the hallway.

  “We got company, boss!” Colin hollered.

  Their cover was blown and Nicholas was not where he wanted to be, smack dab in the middle of the hospital.

  Nicholas heard yelling and screaming from down the hall and in the main part of the hospital. The gunfire had told everyone they were there.

  “Go, go, go,” Colin said as he pushed them along. He noticed Nicholas moving slow, so he offered, “Let me take her.”

  Nicholas didn’t argue.

  Colin slung his rifle and swooped Bryn up, cradling her in his arms. “I got ya, baby girl, you’ll be fine.”

  Nicholas raced past him, his side on fire from the pain in his ribs. He kicked the door open and stepped out into the rea
r loading area. After a quick scan he called out, “All clear.”

  Colin came running with Bryn’s weak frame bouncing in his massive arms.

  In seconds they were at the truck.

  A volley of single shots from a semiautomatic rifle hit the door and rear of the truck.

  Nicholas turned and engaged a single guard who had followed them out. He took aim and squeezed. The bullet ripped out of the barrel and struck the man in the chest.

  He fell back, his grip on the rifle firm as he fired inadvertent rounds into the air.

  Colin sat Bryn in the center and sat next to her.

  She opened her eyes to slits and looked at him. With a weakened hand she took his and said, “Thank you.”

  “No problem,” he replied. He then looked at Nicholas and hollered, “Let’s go, Nic!”

  Nicholas had stood watching the exit, waiting for Colin and Bryn to get settled. Hearing Colin, he got in the truck, fired it up and slammed his foot on the accelerator.

  The truck’s tires smoked and spun as he turned the wheel hard to the right. Nicholas was impressed with the old 1960 Ford F-250 crew cab’s performance.

  When they intersected with the street out front, he turned the wheel hard again to the right and put all of his weight on the pedal. “Let’s see what this old girl can do!”

  Vista, CA

  Vincent tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable, but his stomach prevented restful sleep as it churned and gurgled. He wasn’t sure if it was the wine or what he had eaten that was making him nauseous.

  Unable to find comfort in any position, he sat up. The light glow coming through the blinds told him dawn was fast approaching. So unable to sleep, he decided to get up for the day.

  Freshened up but not feeling any better, he made his way back to the living room and possibly another try at resting. When the light from his lantern hit the room, he found he wasn’t alone. Bridgette was sitting on the couch.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked, surprised to see her.

  “I couldn’t sleep.”

  “Me either.”

  “I also wanted to say I was sorry.”

  “We definitely need to work on our communication skills,” he said and made his way to the leather lounge chair next to the couch.

  “Come here,” she said.

  “Um, no, my foot aches and my stomach is a bit upset. I think I drank too much again,” he said as he dropped into the chair.

  She stood and approached the chair. “I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t treat you the way I do. I owe you my life, I suppose.”

  Vincent looked at her and cocked his head. There was something off about her. In fact, her demeanor and tone were not the same. The glow of the lantern caught her face just right, and he could see her face seemed emotionless. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, never been better,” she said as she untied the thick white robe she was wearing.

  “Ahh, what are you doing?” he asked.

  “I want to thank you, personally, for saving me and Noah,” she said and opened her robe, showing him she was naked.

  Vincent instantly became nervous, not because a woman was about to throw herself at him, but because this was Bridgette and she might turn black widow on him in an instant. He not only couldn’t trust her, he knew she wasn’t in the state of mind to be making decisions that entailed intimacy. She was already on a warpath, adding sex to the equation would more than likely make everything go off the rails.

  She straddled him and went to give him a kiss.

  The warmth of her naked body felt good through his shorts and T-shirt, but he resisted. “Ahh, Bridgette, this is not a good idea.”

  “It is, trust me.”

  “Ahh, no, this isn’t a good idea in so many ways,” he pressed and pushed her away.

  She disregarded his resistance and tried again to kiss him.

  “Bridgette, no, seriously, this would be great. I love sex, believe me, but this complicates things, and I don’t think you really want this.”

  “No, it’s fine, trust me,” she said again.

  “No, it’s not fine because I don’t trust you,” he said and pushed her harder away from him.

  She stopped trying to kiss him and asked, “What’s wrong with you? Are you gay?”

  “God no, this, it’s not right. Your husband just died two days ago.”

  Her face grew tense and she shoved him. With one arm covering herself she got off him and cursed, “Damn fool.”

  “Here’s the Bridgette I know.”

  “What the fuck does that mean?”

  “Bridgette, this is not a good idea. You don’t even like me, and just yesterday you said you don’t even know me. Listen, I think you’re good looking, but I can’t do this. I like Noah and I want to help you, but this, what you’re trying to do, that fucks things up.”

  “So you won’t fuck me, my husband wouldn’t fuck me. The man who I can get to fuck me is some fat rapist at the hospital,” she yelled.

  “I didn’t say I wouldn’t, I just can’t in good conscience.”

  “To hell with you,” she snapped and closed the robe tightly.

  Vincent heard the distinct sound of pills in a plastic bottle coming from the pocket of the robe. He reached out and pulled the bottle out of her pocket.

  “Give me that,” she barked.

  He recoiled and looked at it. “Zoloft.”

  “I found them upstairs; now give them to me.”

  “Should you be taking these?” he asked.

  She quickly snatched them from his hand and yelled, “I told you to leave me alone. It’s none of your business what I take or do!”

  Vincent grew silent and watched her. Now he knew why she was there, now the empty expression on her face made sense, she was high on antidepressants.

  “You’re a fucking faggot!” she barked and stormed off.

  When he heard the upstairs bedroom door close, he sighed and thought about the complicated mess he was in. A strong temptation came over him to just leave. He hated drama and she was the queen of it. He could see how having her around put him at risk. She was a ticking time bomb and you never knew when she’d blow. Her problems were becoming a major liability for him, and he began to question his desire to help them.

  Wellsville, Utah

  “Where are they?” Nicholas stressed.

  Sophie and Luke had missed the rendezvous time by almost two hours.

  Bryn mumbled something unintelligible in her sleep.

  “Sounds like she’s having a good dream,” Colin said.

  “The sun will be up soon. I don’t know how long we can hold out,” Nicholas said.

  They had gotten out of town and were waiting on a long gravel road a mile outside of the gravel pit.

  “Do you suppose Luke screwed us again?” Colin asked.

  “I guess it’s possible, but for what, Sophie?”

  “Huh?” Bryn mumbled and lifted her head.

  “Just sleep,” Colin said.

  Bryn opened her swollen eyes and looked around. She blinked heavily and shook her head. “My head is killing me.”

  The faint glow of the early dawn was making an appearance to the east.

  “How’s your arm and shoulder?” Colin asked.

  More awake, she sat up and replied, “Sore. Um, what’s this about Sophie?”

  “She’s late,” Nicholas said.

  “Late, why?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m officially worried,” Nicholas said.

  “We have to go find her, then,” Bryn flatly stated.

  Nicholas pulled out his gold pocket watch and checked the time. “Hmm, easily two hours late.”

  “We can’t leave her. Let’s head back,” Colin said.

  “Head back and find us all under arrest, we can’t do that. We’ll never make it within a hundred feet of Sophie before the light is up if she’s been taken. But I have an idea,” Nicholas said and started the truck. He sped off towards the gravel pit.
br />   “Just as Luke said,” Nicholas said and handed a pair of binoculars to Colin.

  They had pulled off the road and taken up a hide position two hundred yards away from the gravel pit’s entrance.

  Colin peered through and confirmed what Nicholas had seen. “Yep, only two guards. How strange?”

  “Why is it strange to use only two people to guard a pile of rocks?” Bryn asked. “And why are we even at a fucking gravel pit when we should be finding Sophie?”

  Nicholas looked and saw the eastern sky had brightened even more. He heard Bryn but was focused on removing the two guards now.

  “The sun will be up in thirty minutes, no more time to waste. I’ll take the guy on the left, you the right,” Nicholas said as he put his AR-15 into his shoulder and aimed for his target.

  “Roger that,” Colin replied and took aim with his rifle.

  “What’s so strange?” Bryn asked again.

  “There’s not just rocks in there, there’s also gold,” Nicholas replied to Bryn, never looking away from his optics. “You got your man?” he asked Colin.


  “On the count of three—one, two, three,” Nicholas said.

  Nicholas and Colin fired within a tenth of a second of each other. Their aim was true, as both men dropped to the ground.

  Through his optics, Nicholas continued to scan for other targets, but none showed.

  “Good shot,” Nicholas said and got up. “Jump in the bed. I want you able to start shooting as we bust our way through,” Nicholas ordered as they all made their way back to the truck.

  Colin got in the bed and placed his rifle on the roof of the cab.

  Just before getting in, Nicholas looked at him and said, “Let’s go get some gold.”

  Bryn took a hold of Nicholas’ arm before he could get into the truck and asked, “What we doing?”