The Defiant: Grid Down Read online

Page 18

  Carlsbad, CA

  Their morning had been nonstop. First Nicholas asked if Bryn and Sophie would want to come to Montana, that segued into Bryn’s confiding a dark secret, and to finish off a somber morning, they buried Matt in the backyard. Now Bryn and Nicholas were preparing their weapons before they headed out to get another vehicle, a trailer for the Bronco, drop off the Dodge and stop by Bryn’s old place to get what supplies she had and to invite Colin to join their caravan.

  Nicholas thought the morning was tough until Abigail came into the garage.

  “Dad, you promised. Please stop by and check on him!” Abigail complained.

  “I don’t have time, honey. I’m sure he’s fine,” Nicholas said, his attention more on checking his weapons versus listening to her.

  “You promised. I can’t leave without knowing he’s okay.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Dad, please!”

  Her shriek got his attention. “I’ll try.”

  “You’ve said that, but each day you don’t.”

  “Who is this boy? Is he your boyfriend?”

  Their conversation was occurring in front of Bryn, who tried not to crack a smile. All she could think was girls and their crushes.

  “What’s the address again?”

  “11236 Claremont Boulevard.”

  “Why are you seeing a boy who lives down there and why are you seeing a boy period? Does your mother know about this? I swear I asked and she doesn’t.”

  “Arghh, you make me so mad!” Abigail yelled.

  Bryn began to chuckle.

  “What’s so funny?” Abigail yelled.

  Not able to resist, Bryn turned and answered, “This boy you’re so consumed with, how old is he. Actually scratch that, it doesn’t matter, boys are nothing more than men with more hair, more stamina and less years on this planet. Let me tell you about men, boys, whatever. This boy is probably already fucking some other girl or at least trying to. If he’s proclaiming his love for you, it’s only so he can screw you.”

  “Dad, are you going to let her talk to me that way?” Abigail asked, astonished by her comments.

  “Well, Abby, I think she nailed it. That was spot on.”

  “Argh, you don’t know Rob. He’s not like that!” Abigail again screamed and stormed away.

  Bryn looked at him and said, “I feel so bad that you have to deal with all these hormones while the apocalypse is going on.”

  Nicholas laughed loudly.

  “Guys, hurry, hurry, Brent’s leaving with the Bronco!” Alex yelled as he ran into the driveway from the street.

  Hearing this, Nicholas and Bryn sprinted out of the garage. They made the street just in time as Brent was driving down.

  Nicholas held his arms in the air and stood directly in front of him.

  Brent accelerated but saw that Nicholas wasn’t moving. He slammed on the brakes, causing some items improperly secured to the roof to slide off, smashing into the pavement.

  “Stop!” Nicholas yelled.

  “Get out of the way, Nic. I’m taking the Bronco. I’m leaving with my family. We’re going somewhere safe!”

  Nicholas could see he wasn’t lying. He had the vehicle loaded up and his family inside.

  “Brent, we can work this out. We just need to use it one more day, and then you can have it.”

  “Use that old car. I’m taking this one.”

  “I can’t; it’s not mine. I need to return it. Please just get out of the truck. We had a deal.’

  “Fuck the deal!”

  “Fuck you!” Bryn yelled and pulled out her pistol.

  Brent’s wife, Evelyn, screamed when she saw the pistol.

  A voice from the backseat called out, “Everyone calm down!”

  “Chandler, is that you?” Nicholas asked.

  His arm jutted out the driver’s window and waved.

  “You’re leaving too?”

  “It’s not safe; we’re going to my sister’s place in Big Bear.”

  “And taking the truck? Aren’t you a lying sack of shit!” Nicholas hollered. “I’ve had enough; get out of the fucking truck now!”


  Becky, Abigail and Sophie had heard the commotion and came out to see what was going on.

  “Nic, what’s going on?”

  “Go back inside,” he ordered Becky and Abigail.

  “Bryn, I’ve got the front. Go to the driver’s side and get the keys,” Nicholas said as he pulled out his pistol and pointed it at Brent.

  Bryn did as he said and walked around to the driver’s door.

  Brent reached up and locked it.

  She raised her pistol and said, “Give me the keys and get fucking out!”

  Evelyn screamed, and with a fight or flight reaction, she pushed down on Brent’s right leg, forcing his foot into the accelerator.

  The Bronco lunged forward at a high rate of speed.

  Becky screamed and rushed Nicholas. She pushed him clear, but the Bronco rammed her and the force of the impact tossed her ten feet. She hit the pavement with a hard thud, her head making the worst contact of all.

  Nicholas picked himself up, turned and saw Becky lying on the ground unconscious.

  Screaming came from inside and outside the vehicle.

  Abigail ran to her mother. “Mom, no!”

  Brent stopped but soon realized there was nothing they could do. He hit the gas again, this time on his own. The Bronco spun tires and sped off down the street.

  Nicholas ran to Becky’s side. He checked her pulse and breathed easier when he found it.

  Bryn wanted to shoot the Bronco but hesitated for fear of damaging it. However, after seeing what Brent had just done, she saw red. Brent was just another bully, and she wasn’t going to allow him to get away with it. She sprinted for the Dodge, jumped in, started it and tore out of the driveway in pursuit of Brent.

  She made the first right turn at more than fifty miles an hour and in ten seconds had cleared the gate, which Brent had conveniently left open for her. Pulling up to the main road, she looked left and right and in the distance spotted the red Bronco to her right. She tore out of the community’s entrance and weaved in and around all the cars.

  Brent was driving conservatively and didn’t see Bryn closing in until she was on him.

  She hit the gas pedal and jumped the sidewalk and sped down it past the Bronco. Seeing a break in the cars, she turned the car hard to the left, cutting him off.

  Brent had two choices, run into her or veer the truck into the oncoming lanes. Not wanting to ram her, he jerked the wheel hard to the left and into the other lanes. Trying to avoid a stalled car, he turned the wheel hard to the right, but the front left of the Bronco clipped the car. This almost caused him to lose control.

  Frustrated that she couldn’t stop him, she tried harder, but now her rage was turning to reason. If she caused him to crash, she could lose the Bronco and possibly kill innocent people. She also risked crashing the Dodge, and if that happened, they’d be out of the only operational car they had. As reason began to win out, she slowed down and eventually pulled the car over. Her arm throbbed with pain and her heart raced. She wanted nothing more than to beat Brent to a pulp but that wasn’t going to happen. Accepting this fact, she watched Brent and her beautiful truck disappear over the hill.

  El Centro, CA

  The name Karina kept ringing in his head. He focused intently on the name until he could see her face or what he imagined her face might look like. Was that it? he thought. Were these nothing but visions or thoughts, or were they actual memories?

  He was beyond frustrated. He wanted his memory back, because without it, who was he? How could one have a life if they didn’t know who they were? This is where he hoped his brother could help; Nicholas could be that person who could confirm parts of his past so he didn’t have to doubt the memories.

  Interstate 8 was just ahead. A simple turn to the left took him west towards San Diego and his brother. He headed for
the exit, but then his eyes took him to the sign that read PHOENIX. He took notice that he was drawn to it, but refocused on the Interstate 8 West sign.

  He couldn’t shake the odd feeling about seeing the sign for Phoenix. Was this a telltale memory coming back or a false positive? He pulled off the road and slammed the car into park.

  Right took him to Phoenix, his guts said go there, but the logical part of his brain told him to go west.

  It didn’t make any sense to go to Phoenix, or did it?

  “Stick with the plan,” he said.

  He put the car into drive and headed for the Interstate 8 West exit, he consciously kept his eyes glued to the West sign. “No more distraction, stay focused.” In his peripheral vision he could see the Phoenix sign, but with all his might he stayed true and passed it.

  His body instinctually put on his blinker, causing him to laugh. How funny it was to follow all the old rituals and rules when it didn’t matter anymore. With his eyes intently focused on the exit, he lost sight of his surroundings and his situational awareness.

  The truck slammed into him going about fifty miles an hour. It struck the rear driver’s side, forcing the little Chevette to spin several times before coming to a rest under the freeway right next to the on-ramp.

  The force of the impact didn’t knock him out, but he was dazed. He unfastened the seat belt and crawled out the window only to fall to the pavement in a pool of shattered glass.

  The sound of grinding glass and pavement hit his ears. He looked up and saw a blur of two people walking towards him. About to lose consciousness, he rolled onto his back. He didn’t know how much more abuse his body could take, but Michael McNeil was not an easy man to kill and many had tried.

  A man bent down and smacked Michael’s face. “Mikhail, wake up.”

  “Huh, what?”

  The other person spoke; a woman. “His name isn’t Mikhail, it’s Michael.” She bent down and caressed his bleeding face. “Michael, sweetheart, it’s Karina. Where do you think you’re going?”

  He opened his eyes and saw the face he had envisioned. He reached up towards her, but she stopped him.

  “Michael, it’s time to come home,” she said.

  Those were the last words he heard before passing out.

  Chapter Five

  “All changes are more or less tinged with melancholy, for what we are leaving behind is part of ourselves.” – Amelia Barr

  Vista, CA

  The battle at the ranch had been more intense than anything Vincent had seen in Afghanistan. Sure, his combat tours had their moments, but what happened yesterday was shocking. What others, neighbors and friends, were willing to do for a slice of bread, and what he was willing to do himself. He had lost a part of himself yesterday, and he didn’t think he’d be able to get it back.

  The long night offered him a chance to reassess his life and where things were going in the country. His concern for his parents still ate at him, and if he went back to his unit, to his Marines, he didn’t know when or if he’d ever get a chance to ensure they were safe. When he laid his head down to sleep the night before, he gave himself permission to explore the possibility of not returning to his unit. He kept his mind open, and if he woke feeling the same way, he’d do just that, but if he woke with any reservations at all, he’d take one of the SUVs and drive directly to Camp Pendleton.

  As if God or some higher being was guiding him, he had woken unchanged. He had been given another lease on life after the helicopter crash, and if he was ever going to be there for his parents, now was the time.

  Roger had been hurt during the fighting, but it didn’t stop him from getting his family ready for their departure. He again offered Vincent a seat on the chopper and a place in his bunker if he wanted it.

  “Sergeant, I hate to leave you in your condition. You do know you’re more than welcome to come. Please, we have the space and plenty of resources. You’d be welcome.”

  “I’ll be fine plus I’ve made up my mind. I’m going to Idaho to check on my parents, but if something comes up, can I come later?”

  “Of course.”

  Vincent nodded. “Thank you for saving me.”

  “Thank you for helping us yesterday. That was quite a struggle,” Roger said holding up his bandaged arm.

  “Can I be blunt?”


  “You all fought, I didn’t think you’d do that. You struck me as a man of peace.”

  Roger placed his good hand on Vincent’s shoulder and said, “I am a man of peace but I won’t let people just come and take what they want. I taught my kids, especially Stephanie, to defend themselves. I may regret some of the things I did in the past, but don’t mistake past regrets and a renewed obligation to doing what is right with allowing others to harm you. I believe in helping others but I will never stand by and let others harm my family.”

  Vincent nodded and now felt a bit silly for asking. Of course this man he barely knew would protect his family. He just sized him up quickly that he would never use deadly force. Maybe those people felt that way too and judged him wrong.

  Roger was an intriguing man, if he wasn’t heading back to Idaho, he would definitely join him wherever he was going.

  “You sure you don’t want to come with us?” Roger asked.

  “I’m sure for now.”

  Roger held up his finger and said, “Give me a minute.” He walked into the house and reemerged a few minutes later. “Take this,” he said handing Vincent a business card.

  “Okay,” Vincent said and looked at it. Roger’s name was on it and below he had hand written in a long ten digit phone number.

  “It’s my satellite phone number. Call me if we can help.”

  “I don’t have a phone.”

  “Yes you do, I left a case for you, in it you’ll find one as well as an assortment of other things.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Thank you for yesterday and for all the service you’ve ever given this nation. It’s the least I can do.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  Stephanie exited the house and stood looking at them.

  Vincent smiled.

  Roger saw that as his cue and stepped off.

  Not knowing if he’d get a chance to say a proper goodbye he slowly hobbled over to her.

  “How are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’ll live, but I wouldn’t if it hadn’t been for your family.”

  She had her arms crossed and nervously looked down at her feet. “Why not come with us?”

  “Um, your dad gave me his number, I’ll look you up after I get to Idaho.”

  “Please do.”

  “So when will the helicopters arrive/”

  Like clockwork the heavy thump of two helicopters bounced off the house.

  They both looked and he spotted them first. Two Sikorsky S-76 helicopters flew over and circled back around.

  “You guys definitely do things in style.”

  “That’s dad, but this is more about safety then style,” Stephanie commented.

  The helicopters landed on the rear lawn. Immediately the crew and one staff person from Roger’s bunker jumped out and met Roger.

  “I have to go,” Stephanie said and turned.

  “Hey Stephanie,” he said and took a half step.

  “Yeah,” she replied tucking her hair behind her ears.

  “Um, be safe.”

  “Yeah, you too,” she said while giving him a half smile.

  Their eyes locked for a second.

  He took another half step.

  “Steph, hurry we have to go!” Roger hollered.

  “Goodbye, Sergeant Vincent,” she said and hurried off.

  His body was tense and he couldn’t get the strong urge to hug her to subside. He knew it didn’t make sense to feel a tug or attraction towards her but he could feel it in her too. “Goodbye Stephanie,” he said. He watched her run off. Deep down he knew he’d see her again and then he’d
get that hug.

  The crew wasted no time loading up their belongings, and within minutes of landing they were whisked away.

  Vincent covered his eyes so he could watch them as long as possible until they were mere specks in the sky. He turned and looked at the house, his house for all intents and purposes. He’d rest up a few more days and then head north. He didn’t know what he’d encounter on the road, but there wasn’t any doubt he’d meet some interesting people along the way.

  Carlsbad, CA

  “Please tell me she’ll be fine?” Nicholas said his eyes showing the strain of seeing that his wife may not survive.

  “Nic, I’m doing everything I can, but right now, I feel confident she’ll be okay. I need her to rest.”

  “What can I do?”

  Proctor looked at his old friend and knew the best thing for him was to stay busy. Having Nicholas pacing the bedroom or the halls of the house would only distract him and the place Nicholas was needed was out trying to find another vehicle and gathering more supplies.

  “I need you to go prep for our departure.”

  Nicholas looked down in frustration that he couldn’t do something to make her wake up. Having to wait was not his strong suit and there wasn’t any amount of money or focus he could expend that would change it.

  “Fine, but she’s in your hands. Tell Abigail to do whatever you ask.”

  After Becky’s accident, Nicholas dispatched Bryn to Proctor’s and had him brought there immediately. However, Proctor wasn’t coming without his family and upon seeing them all, Nicholas felt better. This meant Proctor would be able to give Becky round the clock care.

  “I’ll be fine, I have more than enough help,” Proctor said referring to Abigail, his wife Katherine and Sophie.

  Nicholas looked past him to Becky. Her body lay so sweetly on the bed, her arms crossed over her belly and her chest rising slowly with each breath. “You’re right, I need to go get a car or two.” He walked to the side of the bed and sat down. Gently he picked up her hand and with extra care gave it a kiss. Whispering he said, “You get well; Proctor and the others will take care of you. I’ll be back soon.” He put her hand back and stood, but before he walked away he leaned back over her and gave her a kiss on the forehead. “I love you baby.”