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The Defiant: Grid Down Page 20

  Bryn didn’t agree with Nicholas’ decision to go alone to Rob’s house, but he insisted. He gave them specific instructions to go back with the SUV. He had secured a second vehicle and didn’t want to lose it as soon as he’d gotten it. His sojourn would take time and driving at night was risky.

  Bryn had been correct; the address Abigail had given him was a short distance away. When he pulled up outside, he played out what he was going to say. He didn’t know how it would be received, but he didn’t care.

  Carrying his rifle and with his pistol holstered, he started to walk to the front door. He stopped halfway and looked down. Was the rifle too much? It would be for him. If a strange man showed up with a rifle slung, he just might shoot him before asking questions. He went back to the car and dropped it off, but kept his pistol.

  Once at the front door, he noticed the blinds on the large window next to the door moved.

  He banged on the door and stepped aside.

  Shuffling and chatter came from the other side.

  “I’m here to see Rob Robles. This is Nicholas McNeil, Abigail’s father.”

  More unintelligible chatter.

  “Rob and Abigail are dating; I’m here on Abigail’s behalf.”

  The sound of the deadbolt disengaging drew his hands to his pistol.

  The door creaked and a face appeared.

  “I’m Nicholas McNeil,” he said to the woman.

  The door opened more to show a woman in her mid-forties, “Who are you?” she asked apprehensively, unsure she should be talking to this man much less opening her door to an armed man. She took notice of the pistol on his hip.

  “I’m Nicholas, Nicholas McNeil.”

  “I heard that, who are you?”

  “I’m Abigail McNeils’ father.”


  “Rob is dating my daughter.”

  Her brows came together and her eyes looked up as she struggled to remember the name.

  “Mom, I know who he is,” a male voice said from deeper inside the house.

  “You know this man?” she asked.

  “No, but Abigail is my girlfriend.”

  “You didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend, much less a white girl,” she said astonished and aggravated at just discovering this information.

  “I know how you feel,” Nicholas said.

  Rob came to the door. He was about five foot nine inches tall, dark hair, olive skin and dark brown eyes.

  “Hi, I’m Rob. How’s Abby?”

  “Abby’s fine. She asked me to check on you.”

  “Is she with you?” he asked.

  “No, she’s home.”


  Nicholas looked left and right at the houses lining the perfectly straight street. The rumble of his car had drawn attention, and those curious eyes were now outside looking at him and the car. The last thing he needed was another fight over his car.

  “Hey, I know me stopping out of the blue seems odd, but I made her a promise,” Nicholas said.

  “Is that it?” the woman asked. She turned to Rob and said something in Spanish that Nicholas didn’t understand.

  “Since you asked, yes, that’s about it. I promised I’d check on you and let you know she’s fine. How are you making out?”

  “Good, now goodbye,” the woman said and began to close the door.

  Rob put his hand out and stopped her; “Don’t be like that Mama.”

  She gave him a hard look and snapped, “I don’t know what you were doing with this man’s daughter, but it’s over. We are going to your aunt Teresa’s place in Texas.”

  “You have a car that works?” Nicholas asked.

  She looked at him with hesitation.

  “Yes,” Rob answered.

  She slapped Rob and said, “Goodbye Mr. McNeil.” The door slammed shut and the deadbolt reengaged.

  Nicholas laughed and hoped his risky visit would be enough to satisfy Abigail. Walking back to his car, he came to the realization it wouldn’t. She wasn’t only female, she was young; those were two things that for him almost certainly guaranteed an emotional and irrational response.

  He got back in and started the car. One more stop, his in-laws. He put the car in gear and turned the wheel when a slapping on the side window jarred him.

  His hand grasped his pistol and he looked to see Rob frantic. “Mr. McNeil, Mr. McNeil!”

  Nicholas rolled the window down and asked, “What?”

  “Take me with you. I don’t want to go to Texas.”

  “Um, I don’t think that’s going to happen.”

  “Listen, please. I love your daughter. I don’t want to lose her.”

  Nicholas could see the need in his eyes.

  “I can’t take you away from your parents, so no.”

  “I’ll be eighteen in three months; I can make decisions for myself.”

  “Well, maybe in three months, but now, no.”

  “Mr. McNeil, please.”

  The front door opened up and Rob’s mother stepped out with a rifle in her hands.

  “Uh, please step away from the car. I can tell that your mother’s not in agreement with your plan.”

  “Get back inside Roberto, now!”

  “Sorry kid. I’ll let Abigail know you love her, though,” Nicholas said as he rolled up the window. He sped off down the street. In his rear view mirror he saw Rob watching him, defeat written in his face and hunched shoulders.

  Today was becoming one interesting engagement after another. If he had suddenly met his daughter’s Hispanic secret boyfriend before the lights went out, he’d have some serious words for her and there would be consequences, but now it just didn’t seem to matter to him. When he thought about how he would have felt before, he questioned his own narrow-minded thoughts then. Why would it matter to the Nicholas before if her boyfriend had been Hispanic or come from a family with less means? Did it really? Wasn’t he just being like his father-in-law in some ways, bigoted towards a young man who he imagined could never take care of his daughter? When he entered Becky’s life he had been a wounded vet without a degree but with a motivation and determined vision to create something greater than he had been given. How could he then look at that young man and have those same thoughts? Was it a natural protection mechanism that all parents were given? Was it in his DNA? He didn’t know Rob; he just thought he knew who he was. How ignorant?

  The sun was now gone and the intense dark had descended over the highway. The old Dodge had been a Godsend, but Nicholas couldn’t help but complain at the insufficient light the headlights emitted. Driving was difficult and slow as he had to carefully weave around and avoid debris and abandoned cars. His hands had a white knuckle grip on the steering wheel. He leaned forward, his body tense and his eyes intently scanning the edges of the darkness. He hated that he was out traveling the roads in the dark. The dangers of the world had grown and the violent confrontations were only going to get worse, but he was sure what he had experienced was just the tip of the iceberg.

  He prayed that Frank would listen; somewhere deep inside the man a practical side had to reside. He didn’t want Frank to listen and come, he needed him to. Becky would wake and she would want him to be there. No matter how frustrating Frank could be or how silly his ways were, he was still her father and they had a bond that was impossible to break. Maybe Becky’s injuries would be the catalyst for him to come and once there he could then enlist him to be a part of his group.

  The thought of his group brought a smile to his face because he was proud of what he had done. They were definitely a motley crew, but each one had something special about them, all talented in their own way. Bryn was strong and a fighter, Sophie was tender and nurturing, Colin, well, he thought, he would represent wisdom, Proctor had skills that were critical and then there was Abigail. He even began to think of her as a part of this. She was smart, but soon he would discover what talents she brought to the table of survival.

  The exit was fast approaching. He was
now minutes away from sitting down with Frank. This had to work. He didn’t know what skill set he brought to the table, but once Becky woke up, she would not be the same without them there. Then there was Becky;he needed her more than just the love she provided him. She was strong and provided a temperament he didn’t have. She had a way about her, an innate ability to communicate, and she’d be invaluable in keeping their group together.

  He pulled up to Frank and Marjory’s condo and parked. Inside he saw candles flickering. He sank into the seat and exhaled loudly. It didn’t matter whether he went up now or in five minutes so he took some time to collect his thoughts and envision how this conversation would go. He imagined sitting them down and telling them her condition. They'd be upset and demand to see her, he knew this; then he’d explain the world again and ask them to gather their things because they’d never be coming back. He imagined them complying without issue. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  A tap on the window jarred him. He sat up and looked out.

  It was Frank.

  He opened the door and asked, “Frank, what are you doing out?”

  “Nevermind that, where have you been with my car?” Frank asked.

  “It’s a long story, but I have something to tell you.”

  The light from Frank’s flashlight lit the scene. Nicholas could see Frank’s bloodshot eyes and the look on his face was different. He looked worried, or was he just tired?

  “Come inside. Let’s talk,” Frank said.

  Nicholas got out and together they headed towards the front door.

  Frank stopped him, put his arm around him and said, “I’m sorry.”

  Stunned, Nicholas asked, “For what?”

  “I was angry you hadn’t shown up with my old Dodge, so I walked to the store. Well, let’s say my eyes are open. You were right and I was wrong, and for that I’m sorry. I can be a stubborn old asshole, I know this. I guess getting old has been difficult for me. I don’t like it; I want to challenge everything especially young strong men like yourself.”

  “There’s nothing young about me anymore.”

  Frank cocked his head and said, “Would you just shut up for a minute. I’m trying to be contrite here.”

  Nicholas nodded and allowed Frank to continue.

  After a few minutes of confessing why he acted the way he did and had over the years they finished the short distance to the house.

  Nicholas now stopped him before walking in. “Um, thank you for that.”

  “Don’t think I won’t still be an asshole here or there; I’ve done it for so long it’s a hard habit to break.”

  Frank patted him on the back, opened the door and asked, “So what’s so important?”

  Chapter Six

  “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress and working together is progress.” – Henry Ford

  Carlsbad, CA

  Several Days Later

  When Becky opened her eyes, she thought she was dreaming. Surrounding her she saw more than Nicholas and Abigail. Familiar faces smiled down on her. First she saw her mother and father, then she saw Proctor and his wife. There was Bryn and Sophie, and a few faces she didn’t know. A tall large black man and a young Hispanic boy were hovering in the back.

  “Nic, am I dead?” she asked.

  “No, sweetheart, you’re not,” he answered her, his hand in hers.

  “What’s going on? Why is everyone standing over me, and who’s the gigantic black man?”

  Nicholas laughed out loud and turned to Proctor. “Is it the drugs?”

  “Probably,” Proctor answered.

  She tried to sit up, but her head felt heavy and vertigo set in. “I don’t feel so good.”

  “I can attest that this is the best you’ve been in days,” Nicholas said.


  “Honey, you’ve been out for a few days.”

  “All I remember is I pushed you out of the way and I got hit by the truck.”

  “Yep, you were knocked out cold. Proctor recommended we sedate you for a bit to help reduce any swelling you might have in your head. You took a hard blow to the noggin.”

  She leaned in and whispered, “Why is everyone here?”

  Nicholas turned and asked, “Do you mind? I want to have some privacy.”

  Everyone cleared out of the room.

  When the door closed, he turned and explained everything that had happened over the past few days.

  “I brought Proctor over here as soon as I could. He was so concerned for you, and shit had really gotten bad, so I had him and his family move in here so he could monitor you closely. While you were under, I brought your parents here too. As soon as they heard you were hurt, they came, no complaints. They dropped everything and came with me. Getting Frank out of the damn condo was the best thing for him. ”

  Becky laughed.

  “Taking advantage of your downtime, we went looking for more vehicles. Well, lo and behold, when we went to check on Bryn’s friend Colin, we found out he had an old Chevy suburban that ran. Well, of course, Abigail wouldn’t stop talking about this Rob kid, so I went to go check on him. Long story short he showed up here yesterday. I’ll let her explain that in greater detail, but he’s here to stay too.”

  “Wait a minute. Abigail has a boyfriend, and he now lives here? I have died, but I think I’ve gone to hell.”

  “I would say it gets worse, but that’s about it. We’ve collected quite a menagerie of people. We’re all motivated and ready to fight for our survival. None of these people are quitters. We will not give in, we will defy the odds and make it through this,” Nicholas said proudly.

  “You make it sound like they’re superheroes or something.”

  “We definitely put up a good fight.” Nicholas laughed.

  “Great, I’ve been out cold for mere days and my husband has turned our house into a den of misfits.”

  “I prefer superheroes, the defiant few. Hey, I like that.”

  “My head is hurting from all this talk. Maybe I’ll go to sleep and wake up to find my husband not this madman who has to be the most optimistic and positive man ever to come out of the apocalypse.”

  He leaned in and gave her a kiss. “Get some rest. I need you ready for the long trip.”

  “So we’re leaving?”

  “You wanted to; that plan hasn’t changed. We’re all just waiting for you to wake up.”


  “Yep, Montana, we leave when you’re ready.”

  She patted him on the hand, and just before she dozed off, she said, “Love you.”

  “I love you too,” he said and kissed her hand. When he closed the door to the bedroom, the laughter and chatter of his eclectic group resonated off the walls.

  More than a week had gone by since the EMP hit and the power went out. His group was still unaware that six cities had been destroyed and that the United States had been not only plunged into darkness but into war. Forces greater than them were on the move, and soon they’d come face to face.

  He knew the road ahead would be tough and on that road they’d lose a few. He was prepared to tackle any obstacle, but what was coming at him he never would have imagined.


  Outside Oklahoma City, Texas Federation

  Alexis sat glued to every word and name her mother told her, just waiting to hear about the man who would eventually become her biological father.

  “That’s it for tonight, Lex. I’m tired.”

  “No, you haven’t gotten to the part about my dad.”

  “Tomorrow, I promise.”

  “No, please, come on.”

  “Tomorrow, it’s late and I’m tired.”

  “Can I at least see a picture of him?”

  “Sure,” Abigail said and walked out to grab the phone. She walked back in and handed it to her.

  Before she turned it on, Alexis asked, “Mom, how come this phone works and it came from that time?”

  “You a
re listening.”

  “Well, I got this phone later while we were traveling to Montana. The man who gave it to me was your father. Why it works is another story altogether. Now turn it on and say hello to your father.”

  Alexis’ hands were shaking. She pressed the button and waited for the phone to come on. When it finally did, she saw a photo on the home screen of a young man with dark hair, a chiseled face and light green eyes. “Is this him?”

  “That’s your father.”

  “Oh my, he’s so handsome.”

  “He was and charming too.”

  “Can I take this to bed with me?”


  Alexis lay in bed, staring at the photo of the man who was partly responsible for her existence. She couldn't believe it. She could hardly wait to hear about him and finally get to know him or as much as she could.

  Abigail watcher her fall asleep. Recalling those times were bittersweet, but Alexis needed to know. She didn't want to break her heart and eventually the stories would.

  About the Author

  John W. Vance is the author of THE DEATH TRILOGY and THE DEFIANT. He is a former Marine and retired Intelligence Analyst with the CIA. When not writing he spends as much time as he can either in the water or with his family.

  He lives in complete bliss somewhere where the waves meet the shore.

  He can be reached at

  Additional books by John W. Vance